Sunday 24 April 2016

StOry Time

soo, let's just get into the topic..
i want to share about this pacik i met today.. he came to the store i work at and bought a t-shirt. before he walk out he asked me bunch of questions..
and our conversation lead us to where he shared what brought him back to tawau..

he said, 'my wife died a week ago, in kampung cocos,Australia. and the funeral held in tawau, which lots of thing to do..'that is so sad, i am sorry to hear that..

her wife was a teacher..

what i like about this man is that he wasnt even tear up when he told me all this.. if i were him, i know for a fact that i will cry my ass of..

he said,. 'of course i am sad, but i choose not to show it to people.'
that makes me wanna cry infront of him.

i like how he complimented org2 australia yg tolong uruskan semua utk this man.. and they did not even want pacik pay anything.. not even the jet that took us back to malaysia.. 

i love u Australia

he even asked me to travel, wht he meant to say is go to other country, and you will see a different point of view.. and start a business..

he is truly a strong man.. i keep thinking of him..

oh ya.. i forgot something.. that pacik also asked me to vote for him.. politikkkkkk!

Monday 6 April 2015

youtube current addiction


soooo, hmmm..well I don't really know what to write... but I've been thinking for quite some time now to share with you about youtubers, since I'm a youtube addict,I am on youtube 24/7 ,I spend my day mostly on youtube.. I don't know if it's just me. haha

what do I watch on youtube?? pretty much everything actually.hahaha. I  watch documentary videos, music videos, funny videos, sad videos, politicians videos, gossip vidoes, etc.. and that brings me to these youtubers.. 

even orang malaysia pon banyak menceburi bidang ini.. haha seperti, 

MatLuthfi.. he is such an inspiration to our young generation..n he is funny as hell... he reach millions viewers *applause*.. and I bet everyone knows him.... righttttt??

soo, this video down below is the most viewed video of Mat Luthfi

and Mat Luthfi actually wrote a book 
I've read the book.. I loveeee it! soo funny yet inspiring..

Maria Elena... gosh!! Maria is my favorite malaysian youtuber... she isss sooo funnyyy!! and her videos are just relateable... n she even posted 'hijab tutorials'. the way you wear hijab, the parts that should be covered.. yes, I watch the tutorials.. don't get me wrong tho, i don't wear hijab.. it is just i love watching her videos..
believe me, your face cant stay straight... she's just amazzzinnggg

Aiman Azlan, well this guy is just such an inspire to all malay muslims out there... he even shared a video of how to improve your english since the language is soo important in many ways nowadays.. and he is a good muslim i can say..

and I think these three are my favorite malaysian youtubers... 

besides them, I actually a fan of many other youtubersss.. and I got to list down just A FEW of them..
let'ssss starrrttt!!!

Lily Singh, her main channel is iisuperwomanii
I can't even describe how much I love her.. she is so freaking funny, i just love her.. she's a fan of *can you smellllll what the rock is cooking* yes, the rock! hahaha.. basically her channel is about sharing her thought about pretty much everything that happens in the world, she's weirdshe talks about types of farts, types of teachers, lame things that people should stop doing.. pretty much everything.. hahahaha if you had a stressful day, i highly recommend this channel n please thank me later.. hahaha she has another channel,SuperwomanVlogs which it's a vlog, it's kinda everyday's activities..
this is one of her must-watch-video .. no regret. hahaha

Ryan Higa, his main channel is nigahiga
he's just like Lily Singh, his videos mostly about what currently trending.. both lily n ryan higa are asians...and even they have a collaboration video which is freaking funny!! urghh i just love these two humansssssss...
and his second channel is HigaTV
this vid is a collab of lily and ryan! must watch!

Connor Franta, his channel is connorfranta
connor started with his other 5 friends using one channel, our2ndlife but this channel has stopped.. they make their own way now but their friendship is just as good as before they split up..
well that's not the thing... let's talk about connor.. what I love about connor is he's soo cute n funny.. he even came out with his own book!! tittle "a work in progress" damn! i want this book soo bad

this is the book!! someone buy me this!!

soo, yah.. that is a short list of my fav youtubers, but this is actually A FEW of them.. hahaha
till next entry.. byeeeeeee

Sunday 29 March 2015

tips utk temuduga


sooo, on march 24th, i attended another SPA interview, n this interview is the fourth.. *no i wont give up*hahhaah

so, aku rasa macam nak sharee my experience la since sharing is caring kan.. who knows this entry would help you in the future kann...

tips #1,
show up awal, kenapa?? sebab, barula nampak your effort n your passion there.. n so x adalah kelam kabut sangat masa sampai tu kann..

tips #2,
dress up formal, because your appearance gives the first impression to the interviewers, kalau selekeh x nampak la kesungguhan... another thing is pakai baju yg berwarna cerah.. n do not wear black *you are not in the funeral ceremony btw* hahahha

tips #3
sebelum masuk bilik temuduga, i think it is best for you to recite dua'.. we know Allah adalah maha mengasihi.. so yah.. n since every religion pun ada doa sendiri.. so why not... n touch-up la pakaian anda..

tips #4
semasa masuk bilik temuduga,

  •  first thing to do is, knock on the door cukup la 3 times, n dont make the door like you are hitting a kompang... hahaha
  • pegang fail dengan cara yg betul, the file should be in your left arm..
  • next, make sure to smile.. dont make it obvious that you are freaking nervous..i know you are ..haha
  • don't sit before they ask you to..nanti nampak mcm kurang ajar pulak kan.. haha

tips #5
temuduga bermula, usually, the first thing they will ask you will be "could you please introduce yourself", and most of people failed in this session.. it is because their introduction is to short..
kita tukar topik dulu skit okkk
shall we?? haha
masa interview hari tu, when the session is about to end, they asked me if i have something to say or if i have something to ask.. ,
so, i did ask them a question,
what was my weakness along the interview ??
this is the panel's  answer,
"one thing you should alert is when i asked you to introduce yourself, you should just tell everything you got, your interest, what are you doing for life, why do you apply this job, everything,because you are the hero of the moment.. just tell everything until the interviewers get bored n ask you to stop"

so, i'm pretty sure you can relate to that.. take your time and introduce yourself with confidence..

tips #6,
try not to show your nervousness, i think everyone in this world have this penyakit "shaking n nervous" when it comes to temuduga... n so do I.. but, it is best if you can hide your nervousness in your pocket at the time...

tips #7
do research, the most important thing about this business is, make sure you know something bout the job you means do some revision.. try to explain effortlessly.. there is  a point for you... if you answer them with confident, they must think that you are so ready to face them...

tips #8
the finish line, when the session is about to finish, they will ask you if you have something to say, i recommend you to ask them "what is my weakness during the interview?" and say " thank you for the opportunity" before leave.

that's all for this entry..
i hope kamu paham la yaaa


Tuesday 17 March 2015

movies streaming and download sites

what a life....:(

i have nothing to offer for this entry but i just want to share some websites..
which bole streaming movies.. in case ada yg x tawww...
sooo shall we?? hahah
i'm doing this because i've been digging some websites to watch n dowload movies..
so i think to shareeee

first we got
i highly recommend this site as they offer so many movies with high quality visual and audio..but one thing yg aku still work on is mcm mn nak download movies from this site.. 


what i love bout this site is, just like there are so many movies offered n the most important is you can download movies for free!!!! wuuuuuuuu
haha! i just download sponge out of water from this site btw.. haha

i got to say this sites have it all...not only cinema movies, tv series, not only american movies but other countries's too... soooo please have a stop to this site... you have my word ... no regret..cehh..hahah

welll,i guess that's all for this entry.. actually banyak lgi websites yg offer mcm ni but these are my current addictions laaaa... sooo haha

before i leave,
the link above is a downloader site..

these are supported sites for

Note: click on a web resource name to see the details of downloading and saving files from it.

Wednesday 4 March 2015


for the first time in forever.. haha

it has been forever since the last update...
it is all because been soo busy of workin.. hahah.. i just dont feel like write anything plus lack of idea what to write...
and thank god.. i have something for yah! hahaha.. nothing special is my cousin's wedding ceremony..

let's start! shall we?? yes we shall!!! hahaha
sooo.. our loving birdsssss
the bride is my cousin,faridah, dari sebelah my dad.
Her husband is sarawakian.

i'm growing up with her since we were neighbourhood.. she's a lovely lady, have sense of rumours which make peope comfort around her.. she's so f-ing cute.. she can sing too! huh.. her family and her are soo close to mine.. I miss the era when our houses are just next to each much memories to be remembered.
ok... we'll start from the left.. to the left to the left.. haha
the makcik the very left is my dad's aunt..(which i've never met her before, so she's my not-so- nenek la)
next to her is kakak sulong my dad, hajah siti..
then, adik abah, hajah alandra(class nama makcik aku)
and last my cousin, hajah siti's daughter, sylvia akbara
they're all live in sandakan and came to tawau just to attend the event.. so thanks! to my nenek is my cousin, muhammad abdullah akbara, i think that was our first met..n trust me he's so good looking..n easy going..
next to him is his is his adik bongsu, putih..we are in the same age...
exactly behind putih is the handsome me!haha. I was so excited meeting my rarely meet families..
next to me is my annooying yet lovely bongsu... i know we dont look the same but I swear to god we are sibling.. hahaha
this cutie makcik is my loving, fierce, cool umie..she is Puan Hamidah mohd.hamdi/ hamidah Godal
this photo was taken while my umie was dancing to poco-poco song.. hahaha watching her dancing made me 'mak, please stop..' hahahaha 
but just to let you know, my umie is really good in singing, she can just beat fancisca peter's songs...since francisca is her all time fav singer..ahaha
this handsome n looking cool pakcik is my superman, my abah Tony Ajad/ Tony Malandi..
he was just arrived in tawau together with my sandakan families.. yes, my abah lives in two area(sandakan n tawau) of course i am excited to have my abah home..
my home is like a pllace where abah have some rest at the same time spend some quality time with us..since my abah works in sandakan..
umie dan abah sudah.. nie, anak2 pulok..
to the left to the left
from the left is faezza, kakak ke 2, the most funny , crazy at home.. but sadly she's flying back to keyel today... gonna miss you epa... till we meet again..
next to epa is my bongsu fatin nabila.. the most manja which mkes me jealous..dont judge me! hahha
next to bongsu is my 'bouncer'.. hhaha, siti nur fitriani, my sulong..
believe me she is sooooo garang! bt she is so protective when it comes to family matter..all of our friends are afraid of her.. hahhaaha i feel safe! haha

this is just a quarter of the family...haha

i thinkkkk i am done for this entryyyy... til the next ones..

Friday 4 April 2014

friend or .... , followers , interview...


today, 5/april/2014...i get bored of doing nothing, n i was thinking of my bersawang blog.. hhaaha it's been months since the last time i update this blog.. my post today will be the thingsthat always playing on my mind this lately..

                first, it is about some people around n not around i know.. here's the thing, i have a friend a friend "i consider him as my friend but idk if he think the same way haha" ok.. he was my very best friend of mine before we had the 3rd world war.. and then couples months after, he added me back on fb becoz he blocked me on social network after the war.. he also added me on wechat.. i was like, "eh, dia ni maw berbaik ngan i ka??" but my thought is wrong.. what's happening is he makes me like a stranger -,-.. n the thing that pissed me off is he always posting n updating statues on social network bout something that kinda reflect to me or maybe it's just i over-think of it.. yes! i hope so.. hahah but still it pissed me off.. huh but in the end of the day i just stick to this phrase "people change but memories don't".. i still consider him as my friend and always be becoz been friend with him taught me many things n we'd through bitter n sweet of life together even it's just a while.. n i wanna thank you for that.. the only thing i want from you will be if one day you meet me, i hope you'll say "hey! that's my friend!" say it proudly.. huhu

ok enough with that...

                 the second thing that really pissed me off is "followers" I've been on social network for years.. you can find on facebook, on twitter, on instagram,on wechat n sorts of it la... but currently I'm active on these 4 only.. i dont really have problems bout my followers on ig, some of them are so kind, i mean they just like your pics, your stupid captions, haha.. some of them even threw comments.. I'm totally fine with these kinda followers but sometimes, there are certain followers that they followed you and after a sec they just gone... I'm like, "hey! if you think that's funny, i think it's better to keep that shit for someone who likes that shit!" you know what i mean right... I'm not mad becoz you make my follower decrease.. it's just i don't get it.. if you think you don't like that someone just don't follow.. simple.. gosh! -,-(i know i'm not the only one who think this is a crime..i wud definitely won the court if i brought this 'crime' to get some justice)hahhahhaah

last but not least!!! the interview i attended last march.. it was such amaaaziiing experience.. a lesson learnt.. it was an interview for pembantu pegawai imigresen..all the candidates are required to do some physical check-up.. the thing of it is you cant be interviewed if you didnt pass the chec-up..alhamdulillah, i passed the test, but trust me i was dying on the check-up.. hhaha.. i swear to God it was killing me.. first, they will measure your height, your weight n your B.M.I( b.m.i must be 19.0 >26) then they asked me to take off my shirt and put on a short.. then, they measure my chest.. (it must be 79 cm, n 84 cm while breathing), then, then they asked me to walk around the room..then they judge my march..gosh! there were so many things.. it went on and on.. n now i just wait for the result out.. the result will be out on this April 30th..

i guess that's all for this entry.. see yah!!

Monday 10 March 2014



mh370 is the plane that went missing since last Saturday (08.march.2014) during its flight from KLIA to Beijing.. this issue is been spread worldwide.. as local, we should just pray for the bright news will come instead of speculate everything, it's just make thing even worse.

one thing i really mad about is certain of malaysians are really like to shitting around about anything.. they were like saying that the plane is found landed in naning..come on!it's not funny.. u posted something that might make people believe that shit! n please before you do anything, think about what would the victim's families feel, they have been suffer with the incident, please calm them by supporting them, pray for the victim..

Ya Allah, jika mereka di atas langit maka turunkan la mereka ya Allah,
jika mereka di bawah laut maka timbulkan la Ya Allah,
jika mereka di darat maka pertemukan la Ya Allah.
now, let's just hopping for the best n keep praying.

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